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After my lumbar 1-5 fusion I have excruciating bilateral bone pain from the femur to th shin and calf to the top and bottom of both legs. Why and what is causing this

By Anonymous October 31, 2017 - 12:44am
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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER.

After back surgery, you may experience some tenderness and soreness near the incision site. This is often normal and should go away after the first week or two of your recovery period. However, intense pain that increases over time or pain that does not taper off after the first week or so of your recovery, could be cause for concern. If you are experiencing this type of pain, you should schedule an appointment with your physician to determine the cause of your pain and discuss any treatment options that can relieve your symptoms.


October 31, 2017 - 7:23am
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