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After hip surgery they took my Premarin away.

By Anonymous October 27, 2011 - 3:16pm
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Will premarin throw blood clots and put me at risk of breast cancer?
I had a total hysterectomy at age 25 I am now 78. I have taken Premarin for
over 50 years every day - I now am having hot flashes and memory loss.

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Yes, using vaginal estrogen does have risks that include blot clots and increased risk for breast cancer.

However, it is important to call your doctor and understand WHY they have stopped your prescription and what your other treatment options are post-surgery for your symptoms.

Please do not allow a doctor to "take something away" without fully understanding the reasoning, as well as your other options.

Let us know what your doctor says, and we can help you research other treatment options that he/she recommends!

How is your hip feeling after surgery? Are you using pain medication or other treatment after surgery, and do you know if you are able to resume your premarin prescription after your body is healed from surgery? Regardless, please let your doctor know that you are experiencing symptoms that are not related to hip surgery, and ask what your appropriate treatment options are.

October 29, 2011 - 8:46pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Hi Allison: Thank you for answering me - my hip surgery is almost pain free and I am walking well. But my Primary Dr. says Premarin will cause blood clots and breast cancer. I did see an OB GYN who put me on estrogen patches but I am not as well as on Premarin.
I now have a rash popping out on my legs and arms - I hope it is not a allergic to the metal in the hip or estrogen.

October 30, 2011 - 9:36am
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