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adenomyosis, endo, uterine prolapse

By Anonymous October 27, 2011 - 6:44pm
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I have had endo removed, two failed unterine suspensions with complications and have adenomyosis, been told i need cervix and uterus out. I am 36 and still want another baby. I am in constant pain, bloating, major PMS, bleeding, and suffered nerve damage due to permanent stitch that was eventually removed for uterine suspension. DO NOT want hysterectomy, and want another baby....need husband on board for that too. In pain everyday, just put on progestrin cream and testosterone too.....? what is wrong with me?

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I am so sorry you are going through this, but you are on the right track to find out as much information as you can!

If you are wanting another baby, and do not want a hysterectomy at this time of your life, I assume you have discussed this with your doctor? I am not sure about the severity of your conditions, but I think it is imperative that you get a second opinion. You need to know what your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby are, if you opt against "doctor's recommendations" for a hysterectomy. What are your chances of conception with and without fertility treatments, and what are the consequences of fertility treatments on your specific conditions? Every women is different, and you need to understand how your body is reacting to hormones and treatment options.

Have you considered all of your options regarding your medical condition and having children in your future? I know this is not what you planned on--most women do not--but please know that there is nothing WRONG with you! Women have medical conditions that can change the direction of their original plan, and that is OK! You can be sad, mad, frustrated...and then use this energy to learn all you can about these conditions (I am sure you already have!), and then know that there is nothing wrong with you! You have specific diagnoses that have different treatment options, and you have choices about doctors, treatments...even about how to have children. Please talk with a Fertility Specialist about all the options to have your own child, as well as learn what your treatment options are.

I hope you are also using pain management techniques and medications, and being very kind to yourself! Please let us know if you decide to get a second opinion from another doctor, and ask your current doctor for a referral to a fertility specialist.

We are here if you have any additional questions!

October 27, 2011 - 7:18pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Alison Beaver)

Thank-you very much for your guidance. I forgot to mention that yes, I am seeing a fertility specialist. I am waiting for them to call me with the appointment. I am on pain medication and they keep playing around with which one I should be on. I am at my second gyno now for the second opinion. They both seem to say the same thing. Although, isn't it easier for them to just take out the uterus and cervix, makes all the problems go away for them? There are many complications witht that as I read on about it......I have had enough issues and don't want anymore complications. My hormones are going through the roof right now.....I feel just awful......

October 28, 2011 - 5:19am
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