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42 days since my last period and took 3 pg test all came out negitive

By September 20, 2011 - 4:49am
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okay it's been 42 days since my last period, I took 3 pregnacy test, I've been very tired and sick at times not all the time and not just when I wake up, I've been getting headache's off and on, my back hurts, my stomach feels bloated it has for 3 weeks now, and I'm gaining weight, and I'm craving Zebra cakes, and Mc Donalds...
does this mean I'm pregnant, I already have one child and I didn't have any symthoms before i found out I was pregnant with my little girl

please help...i dont know what to do. :/

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well I'm going to a family planning center thursday to see what's up since i dont have my own dr. but what bothers me is, if i'm not pregnant, then what's wrong with me..

September 20, 2011 - 7:55am


If you have not had a period in 42 days with negative HPTs and you still think you may be pregnant, the best thing to do is to go see your doctor. Unfortunately, we do not know if you are pregnant or not since all we can do is go based on your negative pregnancy tests. Further tests may have to be done by your doctor to conclude what is causing your missed period and symptoms.

Please keep us posted,


September 20, 2011 - 5:36am
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