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1st Trimester Pregnancy Question relating to HCG Levels and Missed Miscarriage Dx

By March 5, 2010 - 12:34pm
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I am 39 yrs old. Took a Home pregnancy test on 2/20 which was positive, contacted my FP and she confirmed and took blood for HCG levels. The levels were reported at 19275. On 2/22 had another HCG test done and levels were only 19305. My LM was 12/31/09 which would have put me at approx. 7weeks. Due to slow increase and concern of FP went to Hospital on 3/1 and had u/s - no heartbeat detected and fetus measured only 6 weeks size. Was Dx a missed miscarriage due to HCG levels, LM and size of fetus. I am RH neg, so was given shot of RhoGAM on same date. 3/5 Finally got results of HCG levels taken on 3/1 are 24562. Can you have a missed miscarriage and HGC Levels still increase by that amount? Is there hope of a incorrect dx?

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Karmal, I'm also sorry to hear about your baby and know you have encouragement and support here. Like Susan, I hope you keep in touch.

March 12, 2010 - 12:50pm

Hi Susan - Just wanted to let you know that my HCG Levels went down again and my progesterone was only 10.9. Dr. did another ultrasound and the baby had died. I was also starting to have a low grade temp, the Dr. put me on antiboitics and scheduled me for a D&C which I had today (Wed). I am very sad, but actually glad that the rollercoaster of emtions is finally over. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement.

March 10, 2010 - 6:14pm

Thanks again Susan -
I found out about the increasing HCG Levels today (as I have access to my lab results through my hopsital account) - My FP is closed on Friday's egro I don't think she knows what my current levels are. However, I have an appointment already scheduled with my FP tomorrow at 10:30 she is planning to draw yet another HCG level test to make sure levels "were" dropping since we hadn't got the results from the hospital when I made the appointment. Do you think I should also request her to add a progesterone level test?

I do not have an OBGYN yet, since everything is just so crazy - I basically forced the hospital to do an U/S since I was so scared - and had a consult with fetal/maternal specialist (he was the one who dx a missed misscarriage). However, I am going to discuss everything with my FP and ask for her to refer me to an OBGYN. I just think what is going on might be out of her league (she is an FP and is wonderful, but her patient base is mainly geriatric) The specialist I saw at the hopsital said I am not considered high risk, so they wouldn't take me on as a patient... Until I know one way or the other - I am focusing on keeping calm and relaxed as I know stress wont help anything.

I mentioned my weight as the did the "belly" ultrasound and wondered if that may have prevented them from hearing anything - If I was only 6weeks would they have heard anything anyways?

PS> the fetus looked normal for 6 weeks according to the tech, but considering we thought I was approx 8 weeks for the u/s appointment and HGC levels were high they stated the fetus had apparently died for unknown reasons at 6 weeks.

March 5, 2010 - 1:57pm
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