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(reply to Tina Tran)

One of the things my wonderful counselor did to encourage me was to occasionally toss out the name of someone who had dyslexia:

Beethoven (daX4) - did you know that pattern is repeated throughout the entire symphony? - my favorite composer
Einstein (failed English)
Pierre Curie (Mdme. Curie's other half)
Alexander Graham Bell (can you hear me now?)
Sir Isaac Newton
Yeats (not to be confused with Keats)
Edgar Allen Poe (The Raven and I were friends, lol)
Rodin (let me think...)
Ansel Adams (photographer extraordinaire)
Andy Warhol (have you had your 15 minutes?)
Werner Van Braun (atom bomb)
John Lennon (imagineer)
John F. Kennedy
Mohammed Ali (was still Cassius Clay, back then)
Henry Ford (inventor of the assembly line, too)
Walt Disney
Agatha Christie (my favorite author)

and a few more contemporary folks:
Ted Turner
Charles Schwab
Greg Louganis
Orlando Bloom (can I faint now?)
Robin Williams (and he's "nuts")
Cher (who would have thought)

others I just learned about:

Orville and Wilbur Wright
Roald Dahl (one of my daughter's favorites)
Scott Adams (Dilbert)

There are so many! Do dyslexics consciously or unconsciously overcompensate for the part of their brains that scramble things? I've long recognized that I'm not a linear thinker (sequential order is a challenge). So, how is it that there are such brilliant mathematicians and scientists among dyslexics?

Makes you want to go "hmmm..."

June 5, 2008 - 6:44pm


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