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I am 32 years of age, live in the UK, I have just had my 2nd Ovary removed in June 09 due to a cyst, now I am having horrible hot flushes cannot sleep infact I am just like the living dead.
I have been given today by my GP Livial Tibolone 2.5mg to stop my hot flushes, and been advised that this will help prevent Osteoporosis.
I am quite happy in taking these pills, but so worried about the Breast Cancer scare. Breast Cancer doesn't run through my family but still worried. Also I have read that Livial gives you pains and swelling in the neck and joints around the body. I am overweight by around 2/3 stone and I know I will have to try and loose this shorlty, but I don't want to risk a stroke aswell. Can anyone help who knows about this tablet,...Gina

July 10, 2009 - 5:25am


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