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(reply to Anonymous)

Wow our stories sound pretty similar. My injury was from a car wreck in 1993. When I had my fusion they had to lengthen my achilles tendon also since I walked on my toes for nearly 15 years. I think that lengthening the achilles tendon is pretty normal, I've heard of others having it done. I'm sure by now you are doing much better. I'm doing great, I'm walking painfree for the first time in years, it's the best feeling in the world. I walk a couple of miles 3 times a week. I have to brag that I can walk circles around my husband when we go out trail walking. I still have a puny left leg from all the work done on it but it's such a small price to pay. Let me know how you are getting along.

Mary Kay

July 27, 2009 - 9:16am


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