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(reply to Anonymous)

...I had mine fused around 99 and I still wear thick socks. My foot isn't comfortable unless I have some type of shoes, slippers or socks on my foot. Even at home! I took Ibuprofen also for about 5 years. I finally went to a specialist for sports medicine and legs. He ran tons of tests, found out I had rsd which is why the ibuprofen stopped working. (deterioration of your sympathetic nerve system in the lower part of your body) I'm now on a cocktail of meds which helps, but none of us will ever be totally pain free. Take your docs advice and get the rocker bottom shoes. They help a lot. Skecher makes a good pair and they're reasonably priced. Skecher's running shoes have helped my hip and knee pain a lot. I don't want anymore surgeries either. I was 45 when I had my accident and I'm 62 now. My body had never been the same. I've had so many surgeries on my lower leg and ankle, I can't fathom another recovery. I can't stand crutches or walkers or wheelchairs....I had to use all of those for quite awhile. Another thing that has popped up all these years later, problems with my wrists from the walker, wheelchair and crutches. Pain if I put weight on them. The whole thing is a crazy merry go round. Hang in there kiddo.

April 10, 2015 - 12:48pm


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