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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

hello. i had a ankle fusion going on 2 and half years now. i had it because i was diagnosed with a tumor growing on the Talus bone. my doctor talked of losing my foot and things like that but in the end it was decided to remove the Talus and part of the Fibula. and my ankle was to be fused with a metal rod. the doctors told me this like they were ordering coffee very easy for them!! anyway i had to walk with a boot for probably 10 months. and i love to tell u im pain free. but sorry to say i am not. every time i put my foot on the ground it hurts, some days less some days more. if i ever had to do it again i would seriously think of amputation. im in my early 40's and really don't know what is next. i dont walk with a stick but am sure i will later in life. sorry if this doesnt help but wanted to be honest. Darren, Darwin Australia

March 31, 2015 - 9:21pm


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