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Hello Fused Ankle Peoples: I've been reading with interest about everyone's adventures with ankle fusion. I was in a 100 mph head on back in 97. I had a broken leg and my right ankle was totally pulverized to the point my foot was not attached to my leg, except for skin. When I woke up after surgery I had an external stabilizer attached to my right ankle and leg. 1 week later they put a rod up my right leg to set my broken leg. For months I did not know if I would keep my foot. The docs were very concerned about the circulation in my foot and lower leg. The stabilizer came off 4-1/2 months after my wreck and I went into a cast. I had drop foot every time they took the cast off, so they'd put on another cast. I went thru this for about 4-5 months. My ankle refused to heal. After a year of wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes and casts my ankle would not improve. I finally went to an ankle surgeon who saved me. After trying a few other options, we started to discuss ankle fusion as my last resort. I considered it on and off for a month and decided I'd be crazy not to do it. I finally had the surgery in April of 99. What should have been a 90 minute surgery turned into a 4 hour marathon. It turned out my leg was also twisted at the hip socket . As a result my foot is slightly turned to the right. After a year I had the rod removed from my leg and then 4 of the 5 screws removed from my ankle. My fusion is very solid, the surgeon had to use bone from my tibia as my ankle bone. However, other problems have evolved. Because of my twisted leg, I'm starting to have hip problems and lower back problems. I also have problems with my knee. My major problem is my right foot. I have developed arthritis really, really bad and some days cannot walk. I've read many comments about shoes. The thicker the sole the better for me. I too use the rocker style more than any other. The easier to put on the better. I've tried so many different types of shoes. Some very expensive and some not so expensive. I have to replace my main shoes every 6 months. My foot still swells, my ankle swells as soon as my foot hits the floor in the morning. I had also got to the point that my pain was major all the time. I went to a sports medicine, nerve damage doctor. I have been diagnosed with crsd, It is a nerve condition caused by any type of blunt force trauma, typically after a car accident. I'm on meds now for arthritis, (diclofenac), nerve pain (gabapentin), chronic pain (Norco). I have tried massage, etc, but that tends to aggravate the rsd. (go figure). I was 47 when I had the accident, I'll be 63 this year. I have been on a huge learning curve, which will continue. I won't have any more surgeries. I had 5 the first 18 months after my accident.....The more surgeries the more nerve damage. Keeping my weight down is a help with the whole right side of my body. I don't do any power walking or anything, to much pain from the arthritis. I do ride stationary bike though, which does strengthen my legs. When I'm in pain, I relax. When I feel good I do things. I don't have pain in the ankle itself. It's the foot, heel and lower leg that's the biggest hassle. That's enough from me. Everyone have a blessed day.

January 4, 2015 - 1:45pm


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