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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Alexandria,
I had my right ankle fused when I was 26, which was 4 years ago. It was the best decision I ever made. I had debilitating pain my whole life due to a tarsal coalition. It's not perfect, but the pain is almost completely gone. The only time it hurts now is if I land on it wrong with a lot of weight, mostly on the bridge of my foot(top). Or if you step on uneven surface, you have no give..so you kind of topple over. :) But it's really not an issue. As far as shoes go, I can wear mostly the same shoes. high heels are out, unless they are 3" or lower, which isn't bad. I will say that the most comfortable shoes for me, in terms of dress shoes are wedges - just not high ones. I'm still searching for a good sneaker though. That's why I'm on here! ;) I have a pair of Reebox that absolutely kill my foot. I can't even wear them.

As far as the surgery goes...it's very painful. It is. There's no sugar-coating that. I was on oxycontin and percocet - at the same time! - for a month it was so bad. BUT!!! It's worth it. And you eventually recover. Hard cast and crutches for about 6-8 weeks. Then the walking boot...careful with that one. It gave me knee problems on my good leg. I think i was in that for 4 months.

As awful as it sounds, it will be worth it in the end. I wish you well!


August 12, 2014 - 5:55am


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