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Shoes. Try Alegria Shoes. I use the Paloma, Mary Janes. They have lots of padding and rocker bottoms and removable orthotics so can use custom ones. But most fun, is the awesome colors and prints.
The MBTs are too hard on the knees and unstable. Easy Spirits are helpful. I loved their Anti-Gravity line, but w/law suits for the Tone Ups and stuff they have changed the design and are phasing them out.
I am 63 and had both of my knees replaced, (left knee 2 times due to infection) and my right knee operation developed a blood clot, compartment syndrome, infection....Used Taylor Spatial Frame to fuse my ankle because my wound wouldn't heal to enable regular casting method. (2003 -2007) No movement in ankle or foot now. I drive w/my left foot. Went thru drivers ed all over again; had to be tested for new license and had my car adapted. Not cheap being disabled is it? So w/uneven gait and everything being connected-foot-kness hips and back, I am looking for some relief. PT helps back pain and strenthening legs. Pool helps w/circulation and aerobic exercise. With no akle or foot movement, exercise options are limited and gaining weight is so easy.
So five years post surgieries, I am currently being evaluated, after a Gait Lab visit by my new podiatrist and pedorthist, to see what can be done w/orthotics and shoe adaption to improve my gait and lesson the pain and stress on my joints and back.

June 3, 2012 - 10:30am


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