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I share my story about my sister and sometimes and speak in the public. I try not to make it all doom and gloom even though at times it may feel like it is! It has been said that ," what is good for the heart is also good for the brain". Carrying around a bunch of belly fat is not good for many diseases - it's unhealthy! However, my sister has Early Onset AD (EOAD (age 52 diag.) , she was very thin and never fat in her entire life. So I think you have to evaluate this on an individual basis as each person who get's AD may exhibit things differently. I have kept a journal about our experience together and hope to write a book someday . When a patient is diagnosed with AD, there is no longer just one patient but the entire family. I call it the trickle down effect. Because everyone is effected by the experience. The thing with theories and research is they change sometimes. So you have to read them with an open mind. Remember when coffee was bad for you and now they say you can have 2 cups a day to keep your brain sharp. The same with dark chocolate. Although if you eat excessive amounts daily of chocolate you exceeded the health benefits and purpose.

Blessings of Health

August 15, 2008 - 10:28am


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