The active ingredients are generally the same from pill to pill.
You need to stick to a schedule when taking pills. Either take it the first day of your period or a Sunday start (that you did already). If you take it any day after your period, you will never had a scheduled period. That is not a good idea - the cycle is based on 28 days, you need to stick with that. Changing days but making sure not to have unprotected sex within 7 days is a very bad idea. You must have a consistent start and end day, particularly as you are often anxious about pregnancy.
And since you are using a condom too (98% effective) there is no real risk.
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Hello again
The active ingredients are generally the same from pill to pill.
You need to stick to a schedule when taking pills. Either take it the first day of your period or a Sunday start (that you did already). If you take it any day after your period, you will never had a scheduled period. That is not a good idea - the cycle is based on 28 days, you need to stick with that. Changing days but making sure not to have unprotected sex within 7 days is a very bad idea. You must have a consistent start and end day, particularly as you are often anxious about pregnancy.
And since you are using a condom too (98% effective) there is no real risk.
February 11, 2020 - 4:58pmThis Comment