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EmpowHER Guest

Your story is very similar to mine, however I was lucky it only took 3 years and 5 dermatologist. All diagnosed contact dermatitis. But what products!? Finally a contact dermatitis specialist at Brigham & Women’s, the only specialist in Boston who could give me the test. MGH had a specialist leave. Called and got the earliest appt, 9 mths away! Thank goodness I asked to be put on a cancellation list! Two months later I got the 164 patch test, diagnosed & set me up with Skin Safe. A gift from God when the app was released. Better than the 40 page print out of approve items I was given when I walked out of her office. I get minor dry patches flare on my eyelids from time to time, but no where close to what it was. Swollen eyes almost shut. Fiery rash around my neck. It’s been 2 years of feeling comfortable in my skin again. Thanks for sharing your journey.

October 9, 2019 - 7:19pm


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