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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi I read your post on the Nexplanon implant and I'm concerned because it sounds like I'm experiencing a lot of those same symptoms. I got my implant put in a little over a year ago and my menstrual cycles have been all over the place ever since. This cycle has been ongoing now for almost 2 weeks now which my doctor has told me is a side affect of the implant. The problem is now I've noticed my vagina being sore especially after sex and to make it worse I now have these sores in that area that I've never had before. My initial thought was herpes and I've been freaking out and doing google searches all day to see if this is normal due to the birth control. I definitely don't sleep around and I've been with my boyfriend for almost 9 months now and have never experienced this vaginal soreness itching or these sores before. I noticed you said you also got the sores so I was hoping you could relieve me a little with the outcome of your situation. I assume you got that checked out so was that something your doctor said was normal with this implant or was it something else? I really appreciate your help!

August 19, 2016 - 7:32pm


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