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Hello Anonymous,

I am sorry to hear that your brother is so ill.

Pulmonary fibrosis is a respiratory disease marked by scarring in the lungs. Tissue deep in the lungs becomes thick, stiff and scarred. The scarring is called fibrosis. As the lung tissue becomes scarred, it interferes with a person's ability to breathe. It can develop quickly or slowly.

The source of the bleeding with a nosebleed, as the name implies, is either the front or the back of the nose.

Anterior nosebleeds make up more than 90% of all nosebleeds. The bleeding usually comes from a blood vessel at the very front part of the nose.

Posterior nosebleeds are much less common than anterior nosebleeds. They tend to occur more often in elderly people. The bleeding usually comes from an artery in the back part of the nose. These nosebleeds are more complicated and usually require admission to the hospital and management by an ear, nose, and throat specialist.

Anonymous, considering your brother's poor health, you might want to report the nosebleed to his attending physician...


February 20, 2015 - 10:13am


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