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Hi Anon,

Thank you for sharing your question with the EmpowHER community! It sounds like everything was going great and then WHAM, everything started going down hill!

There could be a lot of reasons for your moodiness. The first thing that comes to mind is PMS. As a Freshman in college, going from the comforts of home to a dorm can be more of a change than maybe even you thought you were experiencing. Your PMS symptoms may be heightened because you are a bit cramped with roommates, having to share common space and bathrooms. That in and of itself, can cause moodiness if you ask me lol!

Is it possible that maybe you are experiencing a bit of homesickness and that's contributing to the lack of appetite and worrying is bringing on headaches?

I remember when I went off to college. I jumped in full force. I went to dorm parties, stayed up later than usual, went to all my classes and all the social activities. It was great! I was having a blast, but by the end of the 1st month, I remember that I crashed and burned from exhaustion and all the changes (and all the fun) I ended up feeling tired and sick and really needed to just take a weekend off and rest.

Do you think you could have just been overdoing it and now it's caught up with you? A ton of germs pass through the halls of college dorms, so it could just be a little bug too.

I wouldn't worry too much, but if these symptoms don't go away, I would go to the medic on campus and have them check your vitals. I think you are going to be just fine!

Enjoy college and study hard!



September 11, 2014 - 12:06pm


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