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EmpowHER Guest

Thanks DaisyN i have actually heard same thing you just said from dentist but having so many experience with doctors who did poor job doing my teeth or encouraging me to get some unnecessary expensive dental work done make me think i better ask those patients who actually went through it so they know honestly the good/bad effects . i know silver filling may not look good but i rather have them till they don't bother me unless i make sure changing to white filling don't cause and more dental work.
i guess my main question was
1) if the white filling is as strong as silver and enough to stay more than 20 years and don't need replacement every 5 years.
2) if anymore knows a very good dentist in san diego who is very expert replacing silver with white filling.
3) maybe filling with white would be a good idea but does it really worth it to replace silver with white . it that true that doing extra work on my teeth eventually cause more loss of teeth and finally in a couple years need crowns?

May 23, 2013 - 9:38am


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