What silly, imature thinking. I have been married and faithful to the woman of my dreams, my best friend and lover for 41 years. We make love several times a week. I doubt the depth of love and respect we have for each other would be possible if we would have bought into crap like this when we young. I have had an average of one sex partner and I am not interested in another. I worship the ground she walks on!!!!!!! How many women out there would love to find a guy who would do the same for them. I doubt you'll find one with your pants down and your legs spread apart.
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What silly, imature thinking. I have been married and faithful to the woman of my dreams, my best friend and lover for 41 years. We make love several times a week. I doubt the depth of love and respect we have for each other would be possible if we would have bought into crap like this when we young. I have had an average of one sex partner and I am not interested in another. I worship the ground she walks on!!!!!!! How many women out there would love to find a guy who would do the same for them. I doubt you'll find one with your pants down and your legs spread apart.
December 15, 2012 - 11:22pmThis Comment