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It's also important to note, you you must receive treatment as trich does not go away on its own:

Trichomoniasis is curable with antibiotics, typically Metronidazole (Flagyl). If you are being treated for trichomoniosis, keep these facts in mind:
* Use all the medicine prescribed, even if your symptoms go away
* Sex partners must also be treated, or you will get trich again
* Do not have sex until all partners have finished the medication

Long-term infection may cause changes in the tissue on the cervix. These changes may be seen on a routine Pap smear. In such cases, treatment should be started and the Pap smear repeated 3 to 6 months later.

In rare cases, trichomoniasis can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women, which can cause infertility, chronic pelvic pain or ectopic pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman is infected with Trichomonas, it may cause premature delivery or low birth weight. Trich can cause small sores and inflammation, which can increase the risk of HIV transmission. Detection and treatment of a Trichomonas infection will help lower your risk of contracting HIV.


July 21, 2012 - 7:38am


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