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This is so true!!! I know I don't see myself as others see me, and often wish I could. I have a couple of friends who constantly badger me about how very hard on myself I am! I think a lot of it stems from the time I was raised in, along with religious dogma regarding vanity, that we were not supposed to think "highly" of ourselves. Add all the advertising in about what a bunch of ad-men think women should look like, and you have a stewing pot for low self-esteem and harsh self criticism.

With all the focus today on looking young and the obesity epidemic (really?), is it any wonder we are seeing a rise in eating disorders and young girls wanting plastic surgery.

While I'm still hard on myself, I'm finally at an age where I can accept myself, flaws and all. I'm so very grateful I'm not a young girl in today's world.

April 29, 2012 - 11:52am


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