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Hi Anonymous,

I'm sorry about your loss. Did you go to the doctor after this happened?

To be honest, missed miscarriages are more common than statistics give them credit for. Because most of the time they can be confused for a regular period or you may notice an irregular "clot" during the month-- they often go unreported. Chromosomal abnormalities are the most common type of cause for a miscarriage.

If this was in fact a miscarriage, a single occurrence will not affect your possibilities of conception in the future. It is when miscarriages occur often, also known as habitual or recurrent miscarriages, that your doctor will explore further into what may be causing the losses.

I share my miscarriage in 2007 with anyone who can relate. It was a chromosomal miscarriage at 10 weeks but I did not lose any tissue and therefore required a D&C procedure. In 2009 my son was born and in 2010 I gave birth to my daughter. Like me, millions of women past and present have had miscarriages and then have given birth to healthy, beautiful children. So don't get discouraged-- the odds are on your side!



October 17, 2011 - 6:45am


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