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Great for you! Sounds like you're a great advocate for HPV. As to the shame issue, it is my opinion that shame is truly a woman's emotion and not one frequently expressed by males. I think this is why there was such a difference between HIV and HPV education and awareness.
Both these viruses were discovered in the same year but the HIV virus was killing mainly homosexual men at the time. The men did not succumb to feelings of shame and hide away in silence - instead they held very vocal rallys and created large groups of HIV supporters when it came to education, something women have YET to really do regarding HPV.
In addition, HPV is still to focused on cervical cancer which skews the general populations perception of the HPV virus.
Sometimes people will talk about HPV as no big deal but they may be talking about low risk HPV and this is a much different issue. I have seen cases like this whic his why I mention it. This also gives people the impression it is no big deal but without making the distinction between low risk and high risk HPV (which even THAT many people don't know about) the truth is really not understood.
Thank you for your support and please visit my website and forum at: thehpvsupportnetwork.org.

February 9, 2012 - 6:12am


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