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Thanks Susan!

Yes - I might have to look into the sunblock next time in addition to the sunscreen. I won't paint my face all over with the block, but definitely maybe under my eyes and nose. And, I think a hat would be prudent. I am NOT a fan or running with them, but if it'll save my skin in the long run, I'll reconsider :)

Thanks again for the suggestions, and I'll keep an eye out on the blisters. My skin is definitely in "healing" mode right now though - as the blisters have turned into scabs now. Which - I guess is somewhat good news, but then bad as well, as it is starting to peel... and I'm not a fan of the discoloration of my skin. Ugh.

The moisturizing has been key for me so far... aloe was good, then it just started to sting.



June 9, 2011 - 1:31pm


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