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EmpowHER Guest

I'm thankful there are resources out there highlighting abuse and how to deal with it. While this is to women about their abusive husbands, I believe it goes both ways too. I am a victim of an abusive wife in much the same ways. There is a misconception that words don't cut men. But, they do. There is a statement I love, "The stroke of the whip maketh marks in the flesh: but the stroke of the tongue breaketh the bones.”

The mouth is the most destructive thing we have possession of. Whenever any of us use our mouths inappropriately we are sowing the seeds of destruction in our marriages. Choosing to respond to destructive words in a destructive manner only starts the cycle or deepens the cycle.

It takes an honest look inside both the abuser and the victim to recognize the pattern and see what can be done to change it. I do not subscribe to the belief that divorce will make everything better. Nor do I subscribe to the belief that staying in an abusive marriage will be the better answer. I subscribe to the belief that each partner must look honestly within and be humble and look for the solution together.

Marriage counseling will not fix abusive behavior in a marriage. I know this for a fact after many marriage counselors have inadvertently perpetuated the cycle in my marriage. Domestic violence counseling is the only therapy solution recognized to address emotional abuse in a marriage. It works and it can work for you. How? Because domestic violence counselors are skilled in identifying and neutralizing offending words and behaviors that often come from both partners.

July 6, 2015 - 3:39pm


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