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Hi everyone, I am posting this comment hoping that it can help someone who has experienced emotional abuse. I was married for 8 years and the emotional abuse was really killing me on the inside. I used to be called a bitch when he was my first and only, other words were 'idot,stupid,worth nothing'. I was isolated from my family and did not see them often. I felt very controlled, unappreciated and unloved. Humilating me in public was quite often. He was always right. He physically abused me too but the emotional abuse hurt me more. I finally came to the realisation last year that i really do not deserve this and have given him too many chances already. I finally decided to leave and start my life over with my 6 year old son. It was not an easy path especially during the divorce but with the support of my family, I have found myself and am happy to live in peace. My son is doing good too. His teacher told me hes still the same in school and apparently other kids in his class also have divorced parents. Its sad that divorce is so common but i feel as if i saved myself.I feel really mad at myself for not doing this sooner. I really hope the best for all you going through this. Just know that God loves you and no one deserves to be hurt like this.

February 28, 2015 - 4:21pm


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