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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you for this very informative post about BP. I've had this terror in my arms for 12 years! Ice packs when it comes are the only things that enable me a little sleep and some sanity during the days. I did have a car accident many years ago and crushed my T6 & 7 vertibra. I also play golf which probably doesn't help. At least I have something to go on now. I'll look for a chiro who can perhaps do something in my neck. I agree about the creams although there are times when I'd put literally anything on the itch to stop it. I use wrist sweat bands to hold icy poles next to my forearm. I get this about twice a year for about 6 weeks at a time but only on one side or the other. Usually on my forearms but i have scars too on my upper arms. I'm from south Australia and the season doesn't make any difference as i have it right now and it's cold and wintery.
Thanks for your suggestions. ..I'll follow it up.

July 30, 2017 - 1:20am


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