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(reply to Alison Beaver)

I have been following your comments because I am experiencing few seconds of memory loss and wanted to get info. This happened to me several times over the past few years. Once while I was driving. Did not know where I was who I was , where I was going etc. It took few seconds to regain my memory.
It also happened last week, while I was at art class. Just for a second, lost all memory , same feeling for not remembering anything. then gradually I got my memory back . Very strange feeling when this happen , very scary too.
I am 51, 6 ft. 185 lb, Healthy in general little high cholesterol 230 High SPK level 300 - 900(was told Muscular dystrophy) But I do not believe that because I am muscular and still play soccer. Also very low white count 2.1 - 2.5. This is going on for the past 25 years of so. I drink but not too much, and I was not drinking when this happened. I do not do drugs. I am not on any medication except for Acid reflux.
Any idea what that is. I hope I do not have to go through lots of tests again. I did so many for the blood spk and white counts and hope not to go through that again.

November 15, 2011 - 12:08pm


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