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(reply to Lee2044)

You know your body best, and if you are feeling that this is more than a one-time occurrence, and is a symptom of a medical condition, please do not hesitate to call your doctor about your combined symptoms (heart racing, memory loss, excessive stress). Adults can absolutely have heart-racing, confusion and intense anxiety during a nightmare, especially after a stressful or traumatic event. Chronic stress, sleep-deprivation, poor nutrition, unhealthy coping skills, other medical conditions...these could all be factors in anxiety or sleep disturbances.

It is impossible for anyone online to properly go through every scenario, as your doctor would be privy to your current medical status, health history, etc. However, a few things for you to consider:
1. A neurological problem typically would have other symptoms, such as some loss of muscle coordination during this isolated event. If you have any family history of neurological disorders, you may want to talk with your doctor about your concerns.
2. Lifestyle-related behaviors can absolutely lead to your symptoms (stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, excessive alcohol or other drug use, etc).
3. Have you experienced other mood disorders, such as anxiety or depression?
4. Have you had any sleep disorders or sleep conditions?
5. Are you within a healthy weight range?

As you can see, the symptoms you describe could be explained in many different ways, and it is all dependent on what else is going on in your life, as well as the status of your health.

I am happy to continue talking with you about this, if you would like a "sounding board".

February 20, 2011 - 9:43pm


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