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Hi Susan! I've read comments here but my partner and I couldn't have a peace of mind until we are also reassured regarding our case, if ever. He and I were dry humping although I wasn't wearing anything while he had his brief and shorts on. He was already humping over my vaginal area and his clothing even got wet. Either my lubrication or his precum/ejaculation. This happened during my ovulation (creamy white to egg white discharge). I got nausea, tender and highly sensitive breasts, and mood swings for the past 2 weeks. Currently, I have my mood swings, depression, anxiety, crying spells, got cramps in the abdomen and lower back yet I don't have my period. Even when ovulation's over, I got--and still getting white dry discharge. After a week no having no discharges I'm expecting my period today or for the next 2 days but we're stressed out and worried about this. Am I pregnant? Why do I have white discharging period twice?

February 28, 2017 - 12:05am


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