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I usually get my period around the 15th of the month. Out of total character, I had unprotected sex on Jan 3rd. Within 12 hours I took next choice and 12 hours later took the second pill. I knew my period was due around the 15th and started to freak out when I didn't get my usually miserable PMS symptoms.

On Jan 11th I had a heavy flow, followed by a regular flow for a day, and lightly lasting until Jan. 17th. I went to the doctor and he said, my body was "resetting itself." However, I don't know if it's from the nerves and stress going on surround this and other personal matters, but I have been tired, sluggish, moody, nauseated, and noticed my boobs rounder than usual.

My next period isn't due until mid Feb. Should I be freaking out about these symptoms? I did buy a home pregnancy test but freaked out about taking it dreading a positive result. I know it will give me a piece of mind to be like, I'm just crazy I'm not pregnant but even at 33 years old, I'm hardly ready for the responsibility.

Any advice?

January 25, 2012 - 8:45pm


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