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EmpowHER Guest

Hi there.

I just need some rr-assurance please.
I've been having an upset stomach for two and a half weeks now, however I suspect it might be IBS. However looking back, I have one question as last month, close to the start of my period, my boyfriend and I dry humped. I was wearing lace underwear (very thin) while he was very jeans and boxers. I'm just concerned whether there was any chance of pregnancy as afte I felt my part soaked and when I went home I had fingered myself. I'm worried as to whether there could be a possibility that his sperm made it through my pants and it went inside when I touched myself. Can't stop stressing out
I must add I got my period two days late than usual and it was very scanty and light and usually I'm heavy.
My stomach problems are improving but still bloated and having uterine cramps - seeing gastroenterologist this week


August 31, 2016 - 6:37am


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