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EmpowHER Guest

hello again, i'm the girl who wrote the last comment. I thank you so much for your fast response but i got even more worried now. I'm sorry to bother you once again, but let me explain it better. I was on the 12th day of my cycle, and my boyfriend was wearing a condom. He says that there was no sperm mark on his underwear therefore i guess it didn't get ripped, but even if it did, is that really possible to get through boxers? (it was the 4th-5th time he ejacuated). The thing is, I have pms but my period normally starts in nearly 10 days (i have irregular periods). Sadly, pms are same as pregnancy symptoms so i guess you can understand why im so stressed. I know i might be overreacting but it was my "first time" and i just can't help it. I'm sorry if i'm tiring you and i really appreciate the fact that you replied. Thanks for your time!

August 5, 2016 - 3:16pm


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