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(reply to Anonymous)

I told my husband that is what I thought masterbation was, when this is no other option but apparently that is not the case for him and many other out there. I was deprived while apparently his fantasies and hand were much more appealing. I have to admit we women are/were clueless. I though male masturbation was like female masturbation which I did (had to do sadly). We don't have to fantasize. For me and I assume other women we get horny, feel uncomfortable and take care of that need. We concentrate on the feeling with no need to outside stimuli. When we orgasm it might be to our husbands or SO but I think rarely if ever to someone else. If fact I would find that a complete distraction. I read how a lot of men are turned down for sex regularly but I am reading also how many women are replaced for sex these days. It is painful in either case and it distracts from a marriage in a big way. As I told my husband the intimacy that comes with sex is an important factor in building closeness in a relationship. When the sex is gone so is the intimacy and the closeness being to evaporate after awhile and the distance begins to grow. That is what I've experienced. Men just don't seem to want to work on any of that or care. I would much rather never have been married, had my sexual needs taken care of as needed by someone, build a life for myself focusing on a interesting career rather than spent all these years taking care of house, home and him to now be left like this. I feel it has been a major waste of my time.

February 15, 2016 - 6:53am


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