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Anonymous (reply to kimberlykoehly)

I have trouble with garlic as well. My initial reaction is a mild burning in my mouth and the scent that seems to linger in my mouth worse than others. I find drinking milk during and after eating garlic can help lesson these initial symptoms, but it does NOT prevent the way my head, throat, lymph nodes, and sinuses feel a day or two later. I've also brushed my teeth, flossed, and used a strong mouthwash to try help aleave the initial oral discomfort. The combination of milk and oral care helps to get me through the night.

Aside from avoiding garlic, I've found eating a green salad (no garlic) a least equal in size to the offending dish to be helpful. It seems to prevent the garlic from lingering in my gut. It seems to lessen my oral discomfort as well.
My reaction to garlic and onions (aside from cooked white onions) is getting more pronounced with age.

November 1, 2014 - 10:48am


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