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Hi Anonymous,
While I do see the point of not wanting to worry needlessly about a condition you don't currently have, I do believe in preparing yourself and preventing where possible. Here is some information I located on a reputable website regarding breast cancer and inheritance:
I'm not sure if your doctor would perform a breast cancer antigen (BRCA-1, and BRCA-2) test to see if you carry markers for increased risk for developing the disease knowing your family medical history. As stated in the webpage, "It is important to note that people inherit an increased risk of cancer, not the disease itself. Not all people who inherit mutations in these genes will develop cancer."
Have you asked your doctor if you can have the test? Let us know what they say, and what results you receive. Regardless, here are some general suggestions for living a healthy life to decrease risk for developing cancer, or other conditions for that matter:

August 30, 2010 - 10:44am


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