In the past 4yrs 13 PET scans along with numerous CTs/MRIs/Xrays/US. An ER & a major cancer center both missed an entirely blocked kidney for 3 mos. After ER visit went to urologist and brought him the scan and he freaked and sent me to hospital immediately for surgery. ER doc was nice and compassionate, but major cancer center told me my pains were all in my head. (I went to cancer center because have stage4 cancer and a long list of symptoms and since my father died of parkinson's was concerned may have multiple sclerosis or lupus etc. but once this center got it in one doctors mind that I was imagining it all, they all jumped on how wrong they were...just goes to show the supposed "best" medical care is not always the best for the patient.
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In the past 4yrs 13 PET scans along with numerous CTs/MRIs/Xrays/US. An ER & a major cancer center both missed an entirely blocked kidney for 3 mos. After ER visit went to urologist and brought him the scan and he freaked and sent me to hospital immediately for surgery. ER doc was nice and compassionate, but major cancer center told me my pains were all in my head. (I went to cancer center because have stage4 cancer and a long list of symptoms and since my father died of parkinson's was concerned may have multiple sclerosis or lupus etc. but once this center got it in one doctors mind that I was imagining it all, they all jumped on how wrong they were...just goes to show the supposed "best" medical care is not always the best for the patient.
July 19, 2012 - 10:41pmThis Comment