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Hi jtmkjm and thanks for your question on behalf of your sister.

In terms of the jaw necrosis, a study done by Cornell in 2006 says that in some In cases acrylic stents (cavity supports) - with or without soft liners - may benefit exposed bone. Gentle surgical debridement (cleaning away of dead areas of bone) may also help, and oral antimicrobial rinses are frequently used as well.

In terms of an alternative to bisphosphonates for her, I've searched several clinical references and resources, but they have all referred to bisphosphonates as the standard of treatment. I will do some additional research, and if I'm able to find more suggestions I will post them for you.

Please let us know if we can help you in any other way.
Take care,

July 22, 2010 - 6:37pm


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