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Hi,I am Sorry to hear about your friend.These days you MUST be your own advocate.Keep calling back,don't worry what they think or say.You are only a number to them.WEB MD is also a wonderful source of information.Complete with Symptom checker.High nitrates can be due to a Urinary Track Infection.What is your friend's symptoms and age,if you do not mind me asking.I pray for her quick recovery.You are a great friend for helping her find some answers.Here is some info I looked up for you. 1.A ketone test checks for ketones in your blood or urine. Ketones are substances that are made when the body breaks down fat for energy. Normally, your body gets the energy it needs from carbohydrate in your diet. But stored fat is broken down and ketones are made if your diet does not contain enough carbohydrate to supply the body with sugar (glucose) for energy or if your body cannot use blood sugar (glucose) properly.Why It Is Done?A blood test is the most accurate method of measuring ketones. It is recommended for all people with diabetes,whenever symptoms of illness are present, such as nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain. These symptoms are similar to symptoms of high blood sugar and may mean you have diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening condition.A urine test is the most commonly used method of measuring ketones. But it is less accurate than a blood test. 2.Nitrates are naturally present in soil, water, and food.The presence of nitrates in the urine can mean anything from infection to one of the many types of cancer-often bladder. Nitrates are found in many foods eaten in ones everyday diet. This can also be extended to water, although the concentrations in ground water are generally much lower than in foods.Nitrates in urine are accumulated from such vegetables as lettuce, spinach and carrots, beets. Though some plants naturally contain nitrates, researches believe that the culprit causing the real danger is use of nitrate fertilizers in the growing of the vegetable.Abnormal nitrite values may indicative of:Urinary tract infection,Bacterial infection,E Coli,Salmonella,Citrobacter,Proteus,Clebsiella. 3.Urobilinogen is a colourless product of bilirubin reduction. It is formed in the intestines by bacterial action. Some urobilinogen is reabsorbed, taken up into the circulation and excreted by the kidney. This constitutes the normal "enterohepatic urobilinogen cycle".Abnormal urobilinogen values may indicative of:Increased overburdening of the liver,excessive RBC breakdown,increased urobilinogen production,re-absorption - a large hematoma,
restricted liver function,hepatic infection,poisoning ,liver cirrhosis,LOW amounts:failure of bile production,obstruction of bile passage,restricted liver function,hepatic infection,poisoning,liver cirrhosis.

June 22, 2010 - 1:21am


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