This story is factually inaccurate in a couple of key respects. First of all, the McCarrell case was not "settled" -- that implies a voluntary agreement to pay, and Roche vigorously defended this case before a jury. Secondly, Roche did not withdraw Accutane because of mounting legal costs. Although that was acknowledged as one consideration, the primary reason was that after seven years of tough competition with three generic drug makers, Roche no longer could enjoy high "name brand" prices and exited the isotretinoin market with a very small share.
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This story is factually inaccurate in a couple of key respects. First of all, the McCarrell case was not "settled" -- that implies a voluntary agreement to pay, and Roche vigorously defended this case before a jury. Secondly, Roche did not withdraw Accutane because of mounting legal costs. Although that was acknowledged as one consideration, the primary reason was that after seven years of tough competition with three generic drug makers, Roche no longer could enjoy high "name brand" prices and exited the isotretinoin market with a very small share.
June 9, 2010 - 6:59pmThis Comment