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EmpowHER Guest

In reality, the white coat is supposed to similar to scrubs. It is supposed to used to protect the health care professional or provider from contaminates when doing a physical exam or procedures. This is not exclude to physicians. It can include PA's, NP's, and laboratory staff, etc., generally, but not always, who wear professional attire, but need environmental protection. The length is generally based on preference. There are medical and nursing traditions, but that doesn't necessarily transfer to real life practice. The white coat should not be worn outside of the clinical area, it should be removed before exiting the building and laundered appropriately, just like "scrubs". But often, you will see people in the public with these uniforms/jackets on. This can spread disease, so any health care professional should be aware of this concept.

September 23, 2017 - 8:46am


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