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I have suspected PR again - I had it 4 years ago and it lasted about 10 months. I linked it to a strep throat. My friend is a dermatologist and suggested dermovate which I m trying. This time my rash is more joined up on my chest and stomach, back with small er spots inside arms and on my legs. I feel so peeved. I m trying to avoid sugar to try and treat from outside in. I m planning on trying aloe Vera drink and Topical from the plant itself. I wondered about echinacea to boost immunity. Trying garlic cloves and cinnamon ( anti bacterial/ fungal/ viral). I'm taking an an anti-histimine morning and night. I have tried Vosene ( dandruff shampoo) but not continued and have Aveeno and Bio oil. I might try oatmeal baths as I did for my children when they had chicken pox. I m 41 relatively fit slim white skinned. I also tried a bit of sun. Really sad as off to Spain in 2 weeks but will look like a leper ( apologies for offending) in my bikini. Trying affirmations from Louise Hay. A bit of Reiki on myself. Medical, Emotional, and googling like mad. Hard not to get despondent and depressed. Trying to stay positive, sending those vibes to all of you struggling with this right now too:-)))

July 5, 2016 - 3:09pm


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