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(reply to jennyc)

This is a late reply, but here are some tips. I wrote a lengthy comment about this that I'll summarize.
I had a very severe case of PR. I am extremely pale, so tanning salons were just not a healthy option for me. I would recommend 1) not getting hot or sweaty if you can avoid this. Heat makes PR worse. Also, don't take hot showers. 2) Wear loose clothes. I also highly recommend wearing a cotton bra or no bra. 3) Boost your immune system. I drank lots of liver detox or dandelion tea. I took Sambucal, which is elderberry extract. Daily vitamins, biotin, etc. 4) Wash with dandruff shampoo. This might sting. Also, I started using a Dead Sea mud soap from One with Nature, and it felt wonderful on my skin. 5) Use a good lotion. The raw shea butter lotion from Nubian Heritage was wonderful. It also helps with the itch during the healing process. Every night, cover yourself with coconut oil and drink the recommended dose (if you can stand the flavor). 6) Try not to scratch or feel too down about it.

When the spots begin to heal, they will become a bit of a dull red. The spots will slow down or stop spreading completely. They will flatten and expand. Then, they will peel or flake off. This is when it is most itchy.

I hope you'll see improvement soon.

March 28, 2015 - 1:17pm


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