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(reply to greenbean12)

Sorry for the late reply to this particular comment. Yes, I do indeed think it is stress related. In my internet browsing on the topic of PR I have noticed a great deal of similarities between people with PR.

1. Stress
2. Diet (Open for debate)
3. Daily sun exposure (I honestly think this could be the leading cause)
4. Heat management (Lukewarm showers, loose fitting clothing, and different materials)

I can't stress it enough, direct sunlight HAS been probably the single biggest impact on PR sufferers road to recovery. BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Be aware of the risks of sun tanning and precautions to take while sun tanning.

I AM NOT a doctor, so PLEASE take everything I say with a grain of salt. Do some research, ask a physician if you need to, and decide what you think is best people! It's your body, and as such you need to decide what is best for YOU.

To address the points I have made:

1. Stress - Difficult as it may be to manage stress, find what works for you.
2. Diet - While open for debate, some PR sufferers have claimed that gluten free diets cured it (Too many variables to rule this as the single reason for a clear up of PR patches). Others have introduced more veggies and fruits, likewise not enough research to substantiate this claim.
3. Daily sunlight exposure - I think you all get my point by now, overwhelmingly people with PR swear by tanning.
4. Heat Management - As with other skin conditions, managing your skin temperature through use of loose fitting clothes, not taking hot showers, and different fabrics of the clothing you wear all affect how hot your skin becomes. Now if you're like me and have a physically demanding job, then this isn't a perfectly viable option.

Hope my answer to your question on stress relation to PR gives you some insight into the ailment greenbean12.

Just wanted to throw out my two cents once more for possibly new people visiting the page with questions.

February 12, 2015 - 7:18am


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