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EmpowHER Guest

Thank you for your perspective. I am going to a different Surgeon for a consult on getting the hemmoroids removed. I don't want them left there!

Still, I do not believe that this is an appropriate way to examine a female. Normally you are laying on your left side with your knees drawn up. He had no clue about a person's privacy or dignity. I have been through so many painful and embarrassing and frankly, traumatizing medical exams and procedures, I thought I had been through it all. This was just not appropriate. I want to let everyone know that it is YOUR BODY and you have the right to ASK what will be done and HOW before engaging in any "exams" or tests. I didn't react quickly enough and the doctor didn't explain anything to me, so I was completely caught off guard. As a health advocate for others, I am continually shocked by our inhumane medical system.

Thank you.

May 3, 2010 - 2:12pm


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