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(reply to Anonymous)

I sincerely doubt that most of the stories have anything to do with Gardasil, but rather with guilt-ridden moms who are looking to blame their child's illness on something, anything, concrete. For example - in one of these "stories" posted here, the mother told a child exhibiting flu symptoms to take an ASPIRIN, which has been known for years to be very dangerous (Reye or Reye's Syndrome). It is highly likely that that advice killed her daughter, not the vaccine.

I'm wondering how many other "stories" have little things like this bombshell tucked away in them? Lots, I'll bet.

All these "stories" are very similar to the anti-vaxers insisting that vaccines have something to do with autism when it has been shown over and over again (through many studies of millions of children) that this is NOT TRUE!!!

Until there is some kind of confirmation through science that these injuries are (a) occurring, and (b) caused by Gardasil, I'll have to conclude that this is just regular old run-of-the-mill anti-vax hysteria.

I am, truthfully, very sorry for any parent that loses a child. Especially suddenly and for no apparent reason. And I truly sympathise with them wanting to find something to blame ... But science does not back this up. Sorry.

(Also, re: Reports to VAERS. Just because something is "reported", does not mean that the vaccine was actually the cause of the illness, etc. That can only be proved via medical testing or (hopefully not) an autopsy.)

April 19, 2010 - 7:05pm


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