Hi, Thank You for sweet compassion.
All we want is understanding, not pity. Yet, I talk write congress,actually to anyone who will listen to save 1 life of this horror. If flu like symptoms last too long run do not walk to Dr.
Not only that you are right about image. What they don`t know is how much en-gerny it takes just to pretend, not to make people around you feel uncomfortable. SO we smile & laugh like anyone else.
Take Care Yourself.
I tell ohers if you do least 1 thing or 1 good thing, pat yourself on your back if no 1 gets how hard that 1 thing is to do. When I do get out try to do 1 kind gesture, in case someone else needs little love that day. Happy that least could get out that day. Good feeling....~~~~~~~~~~~
Hugggsssss, to all in need, Kerry
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Hi, Thank You for sweet compassion.
April 25, 2010 - 12:58pmAll we want is understanding, not pity. Yet, I talk write congress,actually to anyone who will listen to save 1 life of this horror. If flu like symptoms last too long run do not walk to Dr.
Not only that you are right about image. What they don`t know is how much en-gerny it takes just to pretend, not to make people around you feel uncomfortable. SO we smile & laugh like anyone else.
Take Care Yourself.
I tell ohers if you do least 1 thing or 1 good thing, pat yourself on your back if no 1 gets how hard that 1 thing is to do. When I do get out try to do 1 kind gesture, in case someone else needs little love that day. Happy that least could get out that day. Good feeling....~~~~~~~~~~~
Hugggsssss, to all in need, Kerry
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