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You do have a lot to deal with. And teenage mood swings are made worse by the fact that your body is growing and changing hormonally as well as physically, which can affect all of your moods and emotions on an ongoing basis.

How old are you, Sardonyxmemoirs?

When you are crying, does it end soon or do you feel like you always want to cry but you make yourself stop?

When you are cheery, do you feel that it's genuine, or is it an act?

Do you ever find yourself withdrawing from things you used to really like?

Do you have a close friend you can talk with? Are you close with either of your parents? (Are the family problems affecting you in particular?)

When you have your sudden anxiety attacks, what are you fearful of? And what tends to bring them on? Are there certain situations that are worse than others?

April 5, 2010 - 11:56am


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